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What is a Casino?

A Casino is a place where people can gamble on a variety of games of chance. The term is generally used to describe an establishment that houses gambling activities, but it can also refer to a smaller venue that features only one type of game. Many casinos offer a wide variety of gaming options, including slots and table games. Some casinos also feature restaurants, entertainment and accommodations.

Although gambling probably predates recorded history, the modern casino developed in Europe in the 16th century during a period of widespread opulence. In those days, aristocrats could gather in private places called ridotti to play a variety of games of chance. While these clubs were technically illegal, the Italian Inquisition rarely interfered with them.

Casinos make money by offering games that have a built in advantage for the house, known as the house edge. While the advantage is usually small, it can add up over time. This income, combined with the millions of bets placed, is what enables casinos to build lavish hotels and fountains and to pay for theatrical shows and elaborate scenery.

Because large amounts of cash are handled in casinos, there is always a danger that patrons or employees will try to cheat or steal. To counter this, casinos employ a variety of security measures. Some of these are technological, such as cameras, while others involve rules and procedures. Despite these precautions, some casinos are plagued by theft and other illegal activity.